Missouri Chime Loan Program
School Music Educators – you can borrow handchimes for use in your classroom!
Handbell Musicians of America Area 8 has multiple sets of handchimes available to loan to for use in public, parochial, or private schools. Loans are for one semester, and include music and materials, a one-year membership in Handbell Musicians of America, and access to a mentor. We ask the school to meet the following:
- The school provide a certificate of insurance for the chimes
- The chimes are used in at least one performance setting during the semester
- The educator provide a report on how the chimes were used
The grant provides a 3 octave set of handchimes for one semester (approx. 4 months) with teaching materials, a support network and/or mentor, and a one-year membership to Handbell Musicians of America.
For more information, and to apply for the grant, please click on the links below:
Handchime Loan Program Agreement of Responsibility
For more information and to apply, click on the link below for your state or contact Christie White, the area chime chair.