Kansas Chime Loan Program
Handbell Musicians of America is the national organization devoted to “uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.” As the principal voice for this medium, we envision a community in which handbell musicians of every skill level realize their full potential through mentorship, education and events. We place great value on the role of education at all levels of our organization.
Kansas, as part of Area 8 of the Handbell Musicians of America, wishes to encourage schools and other educational institutions (both public and private schools) to develop music education programs using handchimes and handbells. To support the development of such programs, we are pleased to offer a grant program to schools.
The grant provides a 3 octave set of handchimes for one semester (approx. 4 months) with teaching materials, a support network and/or mentor, and a one-year membership to Handbell Musicians of America.
For more information, and to apply for the grant, please click on the links below:
One of the great things about being a member of Handbell Musicians of America is knowing some of the resources we have. Here is a letter from Overland Park Elementary who took advantage of Kansas’ Chime Loan Program – OP KS ELEMENTARY LETTER. This is a very moving letter about a teacher who used the chimes with her developmentally delayed students and how they responded so well that she is now working on a grant to pay for a set of chimes for the school!
If you are interested in this program for your school next year, contact our Chime Chair Amy Knudsen for more information.